Multi-functional high-power stroboscope for all fields of application.

Art.No.: 1023
Art.No.: 1025 ( 115V AC )

A compact and portable high-efficiency stroboscope with analog dial and very high flash frequencies up to max.1Khz = 60.000 RPM; IC/CMOS-technology; longtime stability; all operating controls on front panel; transparent dial with 3 linear scales; signal control buttons for easy operation; BNC outlet for external digital counters; BC socket for external light sources; built-in pulse delay during external triggering from 0° up to 630° line synchronization; various accessories can be added on step-by-step to the basic unit.

General Data
Light Source: flash bulb, internal
Flash bulb : 4pin socket-mounted high-efficiency Xenon-longlife, glass tube protected, model MS 500, Art.No.: B10848
Light intensity : approx.750 Lux in 50cm distance from reflector (beam axis)
Flash duration : approx. 2-7µs
Frequency range : 2,5 - 1000 Hz = 150 - 60.000 RPM (min-1)
subdivided into 3 overlapping ranges
1.) 2,5 - 66,6 Hz = 150 - 4000 RPM (min-1)
2.) 61,6 - 300 Hz = 3700 - 18000 RPM (min-1)
3.) 300 - 1000 Hz = 18000 - 60000 RPM (min-1
Trigger action : internal oscillator, external triggering or mains synchronous,
selected by signal control push button
- Internal control: by dial potentiometer
- External control: by contact or pulse signals
- Main synchronization: selectable via signal push button
Phase shifter: built-in, continuously adjustable from 0° to 630°
Display: reading in Hz (flashes per sec.) or RPM (min-1) by parallax-free scale setting.
Digital by means of additional outlet (BNC) for ext. Counters
Accuracy: ± 2% of the set value
Flash power control / range switching: by change of frequency range via signal control push button
Pulse output: BNC connector
Technical Data
Power supply : 230V - 250V AC, 50-60 Hz or 115V AC, 50-60 Hz
Housing : sheet-steel metal with carrying handle
Dimensions : 200 x 125 x 155 mm
Weight : approx. 2,8 kg
Notice : The unit includes a BC connection box for external 
light sources, controlled by signal push button on 
front panel (hand lamp model 900.05, see accessories).
Male connector for external triggering included.

Instruction Manual

Data Sheet