220-250 V,30-60Hz
Xenon longlife plug-in
max.350 lux
General Data
FREQUENCY RANGE 250 – 5.000 flashes/min
DIRECT USE flash frequency 250 - 5.000 flashes/min
AUTOMATIC DIVISION USE flash frequency 250 - 4.000 flashes/min (automatic flash division set at 4.000 flashes/min)
DIVIDER FREQUENCY automatic flashing division :2 :4 :8 :16 :32, on external signal and internal oscillator
FLASH CONTROL by internal oscillator not devided - by internal oscillator devided - by external signal devided
INTERNAL OSCILLATOR coarse and fine adjustment of flash frequency
EXTERNAL TRIGGER electric signal >1Vpp - inductive sensor -photocells - microswitch - (with tachimetric function)
DISPLAY electric signal >1Vpp - inductive sensor -photocells - microswitch - (with tachimetric function)
RESOLUTION 1 RPM - DELAY TIME adjustable from 0,1 a 60 ms. approx
LAMP long life xenon white light tube
FLASH ENERGY 40 – 250 mWs/flash (in Automatic Flashing Division Use flash energy is always max)
Technical Data
POWER SUPPLY 220Vac - 50/60 Hz
DIMENSION 160x140x230mm
WEIGHT 1,000kg

Data Sheet